Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Critical Thinking Exposed

I've always been a bit taken aback by the term "critical thinking."  After seeing yet another piece bemoaning the internet generation's lack of critical thinking, I have arrived at why I abhor the term.

Critical thinking is an educational term used to describe a methodical, logical, rational approach to the world which consults known authorities in the respective fields of knowledge.  Thus, a critical thinker, wanting to know more about sinus problems, would consult the National Institutes of Health website--a source of respected information that comes from accepted scientific studies.

While that is not a wrong way to look at the world, it is a meme-specific way to look at the world.  Since it is closely tied to the Rational/Modernist/Orange meme, it is something we grow in to and subsequently grow out of!  And we have (among adults in the developed world) high populations of Traditionalists/Amber/Blue meme, Pluralists/Postmodernists/Green meme, and a developing group of Integralists/Yellow/Teal meme.  The Pluralists and Integralists both hold "higher" ways of assessing the world than the critical thinking espoused by the educators.

I am taken aback by anyone who sees "critical thinking" as the highest way of assessing the world and see the complainers as lacking in meme development themselves.

What do you think?



  1. Interesting. You says "Critical thinking is an educational term used to describe a methodical, logical, rational approach to the world which consults known authorities in the respective fields of knowledge." I have always defined "critical thinking" not as simply consulting established authorities but as a process by which one engages with and... See More challenges established authorities through questions and exploration - basically, thinking outside the box and not just accepting something simply because others do, and looking at the big picture and broader context to determine if a particular established authority is valid, or to identify other approaches. That is why I consider critical thinking the highest way of interacting with the world.

    And I am concerned with the lack of critical engagement in society, where people allow themselves to be spoon-fed propaganda without being able/willing to objectively assess information for themselves. When people stop thinking critically, they open themselves up to being manipulated by anyone with an agenda.

    It does sound a bit like you are thinking critically (by my definition) about (your definition of) critical thinking!

  2. oops, I pasted that from facebook and there is a "see more" where it shouldn't be!
